2002 CU 17558 and 17559 99 EDM 90961 Blue - Prizes 100 to 500 brother of several good flyers 92 AU 7582 Melucci - Sire of 1sts and other top prizes Top Widower
92 EDM 2359 Blue Pied - Super breeder of good birds Red Pied 71 EDM 743 - Prepotent Fooundation Sire
91 CU 43639 Mealy - Super daughter of 743
99 EDM 90917 Blue - sister to 4th Ace YB and 5th Alberta Classic 97 CU 77326 Blue - via Fred Goodchild 94 OKV 44524 - 1st 500, 1st 463 miles..Ace Bird! JanssenXHouben
95 OKV 55813 Klak/Smeulders Janssen
89 CU 28700 Blue Very Good Breeder ! The Red Pied 743 - Prepotent FOUNDATION SIRE
88 SP 681 Goodchild - Very Good Breeder!